Kangaroo’s CEO Nguyen Thanh Phuong: If you want to be a leader, you must be a pioneer


Kangaroo’s CEO Nguyen Thanh Phuong: If you want to be a leader, you must be a pioneer

Taking the role of “market leader”, Kangaroo always has a special formula to create its own mark on the path of development.

Behind the success of Kangaroo water purifier 15 years ago is the risk, the determination of a person who has experienced all filtering tools such as activated carbon, sand and stone, and witnessed the technological advancement of the civilizations in the world.

It took two years to get market approval, but in return, Kangaroo laid the foundation for the production for public heath from that.

A presentation of Kangaroo’s product

In business, venture is bravery

You used to share that in business, if we do not accept the risk, it will be difficult to succeed. Going through ventures, what was left in you?

It can be called venture, but it is actually the bravery of businessmen in general.
If you are not brave, you do not dare to stand apart from the crowd. With Kangaroo, it is a whole team that is enough bravery to lead the game. And as a result, Kangaroo always makes marks, as called by someone, the “shocks” in the market.

Is it that’s why Kangaroo is always the “leader” of water purifier in Vietnam?

Especially with water purifier, we have the risk, the bravery and enough investment.
With two years to sell the first equipment, we understand that the acceptance of the new market is the “key point”. In particular, with a product related to the health of the users, finding the “key point” is a whole process.

Therefore, the serious investment in research was formed at that time.

Kangaroo has just launched the first Hydrogen water purifier in Vietnam, what difficulties does Kangaroo encounter when consumers do not know what is Hydrogen water?

There is a saying that we like very much: “consumers will not know what they want until you show them”. That is also the root of development, the origin of science and technology. If only producing conventional products, there will be no Kangaroo today.

Hydrogen water is a quite new concept in Vietnam, but the science in the world has been studying for hundreds of years, and used it for a variety of purposes. Therefore, there is no reason Vietnamese people are not allowed to use such advanced products.

Of course we have difficulties, because a product with new values that are never known by the community is a big challenge for the Kangaroo team. Many problems have been identified during the three years of research, experimentation, testing, evaluation and measurement.

Kangaroo CEO Nguyen Thanh Phuong: “If only producing conventional products, there will be no Kangaroo today.”

However, to be the leader, the business must be a pioneer. It is certain that if Kangaroo does not do, it is difficult for any business to do so, and it will be a disadvantage for Vietnamese consumers and the health of Vietnamese community.

The root of development is always the quality

Is this also a risky strategy? How do you anticipate the risks and conquer difficult markets?

Once we have the determination of the team, Kangaroo will never be afraid of difficulty. There are many risks, including lack of market absorption, but the root of development is always the truth about quality. With a quality product that its value is far beyond the investment value, then you will no longer have to worry about its flow.

Kangaroo pioneers in opening up the market of water purifier in Vietnam and to be the leader of the industry like that, how do you build the strategy?

Going ahead and creating demand for the market is the formula that Kangaroo always applies. Water purifier, especially Kangaroo Hydrogen Water Purifier, has created the market demand because it is a valuable product. When you can do that, you will lead the game.

Is that the direction of sustainable development of Kangaroo?

A poor quality water purifier sold in the market is a cruelty to the community. Therefore, Kangaroo’s efforts are to aim at directing consumers to use good products for their own health.

That is also the throughout development direction of Kangaroo “producing and trading products for public health”, and Kangaroo Hydrogen Water Purifier is the typical product for this point of view.

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