Science Research & Applications

Kangaroo’s Research and Development Center
The creativity, distinction and flaming pioneer sprits of Kangaroo family are all gathered at Kangaroo Research and Application Institute to reach the ultimate goal “Do health business”.
Kangaroo boldly invests in researches, creativity and uses with professional team of
doctor of Science, Engineers, Experts from both inside and outside country’s well-known research institute along with the world’s most advanced technologies. That is to say, we are aiming to build and expand to become a prestigious independent inspection unit in Vietnam.
Here at Kangaroo, products for public health are continuously manufactured with many applications in Vietnam such as sanitary ware made from antibacterial materials, antibacterial freezer, antibacterial water heater ,… Especially, as a tech pioneer in water purification, Kangaroo provides utility solutions for the community such as: anti Amip bacteria water filter, anti Asen bacteria water filter… Recently, almost 3 years after having technology transferred with lots of researches and evaluations, Kangaroo finally succeeded in producing the Hydrogen water filter in Vietnam.
Investing well in science is a crucial step in not only building a strong corporation but also looking forward to create a modern science society, contributing to the affirmation of Vietnam’s positionin the world of science.

Launching event of the Hydrogen water filter in Vietnam

Kangaroo has been the brand applying IOT technology in water heater

Kangaroo’s anti-bacteria technology applied in many its products